The Princess of the Nile Waters ( Go Fund me Request for a Friend to follow this Poem)

She has ever flowed in this world, miles and miles she has traversed in life, across countries and continents seeking purchase to lands she may truly never call home, for her spirit ever wanders, and splits and meanders, through various tributaries in time spent wading the reeds of sandy shorelines but never truly staying still.

The Nile has a source and she has ridden it since it’s conception, mile and miles of it, at various depths running deep to shallow, wide to thin, precarious to serene.

She is a Princess of that Nile, through and through, but if you were to call her that , she might scoff but give you a grin all in one, for she knows her frailties, and all her seeming feelings on how life can throw a whirlwind into the small space of you and upend your world in a moment letting you know the humility of life and the choices you think you may own.

But she is a Princess, a proud one, a strong one, a respected one, a forceful one, revered and honored, a friend, a sister to me and to many. She knows the strength in her bones and the force with which she wields it, even though she may not admit it, she will still give you a grin even though that grin may not reach her eyes.

She has wisely guided others in this existence, this wandering, even as she herself chafes against her own that pushes her down, yet she lifts others up.

The river has taken a precarious turn again, bend upon bend , upon bend…all sharper than the last, she sees them all plainly ahead, on the horizon.

She is resolute however. For what other course can she travel but the one already laid bare before her?

She may not want to see it, but the resiliency in her is awe inspiring, and that this Princess of the Nile needs to know that she has found her home in all the ones she has touched in her travels and her in them a hundredfold.

By Philip Wardlow for my sister Candice Louisa Daquin

(Candice is booked to go to the Mayo Clinic August 14 for 2 weeks. She is doing a GoFundMe because the cost of living up there for two weeks alongside the medical expenses and travel will be substantial. She wants to thank everyone who has helped, even $5 goes so far and helps so much. Even sharing the GoFundMe or just being supportive, is life saving for her and I am so very, very grateful. If you can spare $5 please go to the GoFundMe which is legitimate and run by her here: or her PayPal at – thank you so very much. She hates begging but it’s so important to finally get there and get some help after these awful eight years of ups-and-downs and her being so sick now again. Any amount however small really adds up and helps her make this happen. ( her words, but just changed to third person by me)

2 thoughts on “The Princess of the Nile Waters ( Go Fund me Request for a Friend to follow this Poem)”

  1. P, thank you my brother to you and your beautiful wife, for the kindness of your hearts. I hardly know what to say except how grateful I am for your support through this. It’s been really hard and I just want some help. I believe the Mayo is my best chance. I have never begged for money before and it is humbling but I am also so touched at the kindness of those who have given even $5 or just shared on their pages. I really hope this works and I can get back to giving back and paying forward. With friends like you it makes it possible. Thank you isn’t enough but it’s what I have, and my friendship for you and Maria forever.

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